Quartz Kitchen Worktops – The Best of Both Worlds

No house is complete without a kitchen. Individuals should take particular care in choosing appropriate material for their own kitchen cabinet, sink, and countertops as the substance choice decision can make or break the decor and visual appeal of the kitchen. Below are certain ground rules for choosing the suitable material for countertops. Find out more details about quartz worktops at http://www.stoneconnectionworksurfaces.co.uk/index.php/products/other-quartz/.

Quartz Kitchen Worktops - The Best of Both Worlds

First, the material ought to be sturdy enough to last decades with no visible wear and tear. The material should also not be overly costly but should give an opulent feel to your kitchen. Quartz kitchen worktops fulfill all standards specified above.

Quartz kitchen countertops are made from a combination of naturally found quartz mineral and epoxy resins. Resins behave as the bonding agent or adhesive that glues the quartz crystals together.

Unlike granite countertops, quartz kitchen worktops are very resistant to scratches. They're also quite resistant to heat. A cook can eliminate utensils out of the stove, and set them on the quartz worktop, without worrying about any possible damage. Such a carefree attitude towards positioning of hot utensils wouldn't be possible with vinyl or laminate kitchen worktops.

Quartz kitchen worktops also look favorable to granite kitchen worktops from a cost-benefit tradeoff. While nobody denies the visual allure of granite, the costs involved with installing granite countertops make it tough to justify their choice within quartz kitchen worktops that offer similar visual appeal at a fraction of the price tag. Needless to say, people with fat purses can be decided to go for granite kitchen worktops. However, for many other people, quartz worktops will look a sensible option.

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